Friday, March 30, 2007


Jeem Bo got up and started towards the distant hint of light, grabbing a leaf off the tree as he passed it. he endeavored to attach it somehow to his person in such a way as to make himself slightly decent.

Grumbling and mumbling he stumbled into the darkness.

Off in the distance he heard a familiar sounds. The dreaded Gaymoose Of Watamakan still lurked out in the darkness it seemed but it sounded wounded and fairly pissed off.

Jeem Bo tripped over something sharp and landed on his face in the dirt.

Groaning in pain and annoyance he rolled over to find his foot all bloodied with his own blood this time... and in the dim light he could just make out what it was he'd tripped over.

An anchor.

"What the fark is an anchor doing out here in the forest" he asked nobody in particular.

As he lay there on his back, mostly naked, with teethmarks in his arse watching the star through the shifting tree branches above he heard a skittering noise in the bushes.

A gerbil ran out of the bushes, past him and vanished in the darkness.

Fair enough, a gerbil is not so unusual in the forest. This one stood out because it had a leather vest and a studded collar on.

Jeem Bo lay there thinking...

A boat anchor...
Leather clad gerbil...
What the f...
Oh...damn... thats not a fig. Thats poison ivy.