Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Two horny males, one leather clad half demon, one good looking wizard, a musical twat and a forest full of teeth.

Conning the Viking waited, leather clad arse in the air, helmet stuck in the earth and waited as the rain ran up his nose. Above him the noise suddenly increased in volume and took on a sound not unlike this:



A woman... well sort of... she had a tail and little horns... fell face first into the mud next to him. She groaned and started to say "Mother F-" right before a series of other shapes thumped down out of the trees to form a pile of arms, legs, horns and a guitar on top of her.

"Gff d ffffk orfff Me muffaffarkrs!" exclaimed the muffled voice at the bottom of the pile.

The new arrivals untangled their selves in short order while helpfully encouraging one another.

"You retards.. I'm WOUNDED. Don't you get it? Harf Farkin dead and you take me and drop me out of a tree!"
"But I only vanted to see das dvopbear, i theek eet vil make ein nice loincloth seeing as i can not find das Beast of Bourbon and keel it yet"
"I'm all shook up" Said Elvis dusting of his (unfortunately) undamaged guitar.
"Hmm... I seem to have broken my mirror" said the tall dark and handsome wizard.

Conning looked up from his awkward position at the group... He looked at Falconburger... "Youuuuu!... I KEEEL you!" and started scrabbling around ineffectually...legs kicking the air.

At that moment several pairs of glowing red eyes appeared in the darkness around us... they cast just enough light to illuminate the very sharp teeth that came with each set of eyes.

"So... who the fark is this little fruitloop and why does he want to kill you Falconburger?" asked Cola
"I can't quite remember... he does look vaguely familiar though...but I think a more pressing question is do we name him pawn sacrifice and leave him here for the teeth or do we rescue him?... oh... and does my hair look ok?"

Leave the dwarf to be eaten or rescue him?

So... what do we do?