Monday, October 03, 2005

Getting precious

After I dusted myself off, spat out the dirt, and quickly fixed my hair with the brill cream and mirror I took a closer look at the odd item in the ground.

It was some sort of hatch... no doubt leading to a hidden research lab where I'd run into a long lost scientist ...

No wait...

It was the curved edge of some amazing massive metal flying machine buried for a millenia... and digging it up could well unleash an invasion of...

No... not that... keep on digging...

Hmm... I've unearthed an strange and archaic artifact from a civilzation no doubt lost in antiquity. I polished the dust and scraped off the dirt and muck and bugs... slowly but surely becoming obsessed with it. Its mine. The shiny. All MIIIIINEEE!...

Nobody else may touch it...


Its mine...



and as I sneak off into the jungle, stroking the precious, ancient words gleam in the sun like fire across the side of my precious...

"Mr Coffee"

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