Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A fork in the road

Ok, so we've left the confines of the grassy pub and hit the road. We have to travel some distance yet to a ruin that is half buried in the ground. Cola was pretty vague about the details - telling me that I will be of great use looking for pressure switches and triggers. Not sure what she meant exactly...

Anyhow... to the conversation :

"Vell ve now huv ein choice don't ve" Said Aaahnult

"A-huh huh" Said the pointy eared twat.

"A choice?" I asked as I looked up from a piece of mirror that had somehow made it into my pocket.

"Vell, der is apparently ein monster loose about das forest!, za Beast of Bourbon! unt ve can get to the ruins though das forest ya?, i vould veely love ein new loincloth made from das Beast from Burbon ya!"

"While there are also the moors, and another fell beast - the dread Becclehoff to avoid in that direction and I for one don't want to catch what ever the hell these two freaks did that makes them do all that slow motion crap." said Cola

"Whilst both of those rumours do sound forboding did you hear about young Billy being taken by that stinking thing in the darkness down by the old coast path?" said Abe trying to look all self important and clever.

"Snuffle woof slobber grrrrowflt" said Batman, licking his wotsits.

"Soo Mun, der would seem (hiccup) to be a choice to be made mah bruvvas : de Moors mun, The Forest or the Coastal Path. Mun. And we avta shoose wun on deez paths to get der. mun. " Said Jeembo, rolling up a joint big enough to club seals to death with.

**************** AND NOW FOR THE TEST ***************

This is where things get interactive. Leave a comment, vote for a path and decide where the party heads. It will be interesting to see if there is more than 2 votes! ;-). Not sure if this will work or not... Moors, Forest or Coast Road.


Anonymous said...

The Coast Road my liege.

Anonymous said...

Surely the forest road is the best bet. I hear the beast of bourbon is simply misunderstood (and no problem if you have a holly hand grenade).

Jimbo said...

This Jeem Bo fella sounds like a complete legend. If I were him and had a say I'd give da Forest Road a crack mun!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'd have to go with Jeem Bo the priest! He worships the booze and wants to go down the path of the beast of bourbon! Has to be a story in that one.... LOL

Beccles said...

Has anyone got any dice? Or a coin perhaps?

I'm going to go with the flow, trust my man Jeem Bo and give the Forest a go.

KJ said...

Go the forest road... lots of trees to hide behind and Jeem Bo might find some nymphs to convert to the worship of the bottle...