Thursday, April 05, 2007

Lightening crashes

Jeem Bo got up as it slowly began to rain. There was a chain attached to the anchor, well..half a chain. At least, he hoped... it pointed in the direction from which it had come...

He climbed in the direction that the chain pointed and by the time he'd gone 10 feet the rain had increased to a steady downpour. Thunder rumbled overhead and the occasional flash of lightning lit up what parts of the forest it could penetrate through the tree tops.

After a few minutes Jeem Bo couldn't help but notice a lot of broken branches on the ground. They roughly followed he direction the anchor chain had pointed. It looked like something had gone across the tops of the trees and smashed the tops of them to bits.

A few more steps and he found a small broken cage on the ground... and a pair of black leather shorts. Unfortunately they were more the size a gerbil would wear so he didn't consider trying them on.

A few more steps and he found an overturned bucket... several soapy frogs were slithering about in the rain... and a pair of shiny handcuffs hanging from a tree.

A heavy rag fell from a tree and landed on his head... as it turned out it wasn't a rag but a flag.

Jeem Bo had never seen a flag quite like it... made from leather with metal studs all over it spelling out a word he couldn't quite see in the gloom...

Suddenly the lightning flared directly overhead... and he could read the leather flag.



Viking said...

Well, that doesn't leave much of a choice for poor Jeem Bo now does it? He's really got to find the ship now.... *sigh*

Anonymous said...

"The chest will open. Silence is the key.

Stay the cause, for he is near."

- The Voice.

Lord Falconburger said...

WTF! ;-) Damn that mysterious voice!... cryptic and probably.... accurate...

Viking said...

Hmm.... You sure "The Voice" isn't you cheeseburger?

Lord Falconburger said...

Funny.. someone else has alleged that... I don't NEED to load the votes to influence this story ya fools!

Jimbo said...

aj, YOUR the voice, try and understand it...