Friday, July 27, 2007

Fear of a Drop bear?

"Vell... I fink ve are on ze trail..." Said Aaahnult
"Yeah, you're a real rocket scientist there Mooboy" Groaned Cola from her awkward position over the Minotaur's shoulder
"Vots a Wocket miss Cola?" asked Aaahnult
"Farked if i know - it just seemed appropriate all things considered."
"Woof" Said Batman.

The motley crue had followed the trail of weird footprints into the forest in search of Jeem Bo and found an area of bloodsmeared and destroyed forest. A battle had been fought here with no clear winner. Blood stained broken branches and bits of fur and torn clothing lay all about.

"Ah-huh huh - this is the trail all right but these footprints are weird... ist like there are 3 different sets... a mans, a moose and ...something else... like a bear or a wolf..." said Elfis crouching over the mixed tracks.
"Vot do you fink Mr Fulconburgler?" Ask the master of moo.
"He aint gonna help ya, he's too engrossed in Abes magic book" Said Cola

And it was true.... I wasn't so much reading the book as it was reading itself at me... the magic was pouring into my brain, soaking in. I liked it. I liked it a lot....

I looked up from the book briefly, glanced at the tangled tracks and asked "Why do only 2 sets of tracks leave this clearing - when there are three here?" then went back to my book.

Elfis looked again at the clearing..."Hey you're right.... Man tracks and moose tracks lead in.. bearwolf thing appear out for nowhere and then moose tracks and man tracks lead of in different directions... where did the bear thing come from?.....and it looks like the moose only has 3 legs"

"Maybe eet dvopped from das tree. Mein uncle lives in a place vhere das bears drop from das trees. Dey eat tourists. " Aaahnult looked fearfully at the darkness of the tangled treetops above.

"So... you two retards... which way?... follow the man footprints or the three legged moose.... or do you plan to climb the trees now and look for farkin drop bears?... i swear it was less painful being eaten by the crawly slime worm then listening to you two farken halfwit detectives. I really need a place to rest goddammit!" asked Cola in her usual polite tones.

Follow man footprints....?
Follow three legged moose....?
Seek out the Drop bear in the treetops?


Viking said...

The Drop Bear!!!! I haven't had Bundy in months, so humour me....

Lord Falconburger said...

Funny... the drop bear was a red herring - a distraction. Now its coalesced into a real entity... attention makes things real in stories like this. Now what's a drop bear to do when he spies a dwarf pinned to the forest floor by his helmet...

Viking said...

Err, pass....

KJ said...

maybe the drop bear was chased off by a hoop snake.. their scary them hoop snakes....