Friday, August 05, 2005

Gypsies, Rats and Sniggers

I suppose its only right that I send someone into the forests to try and find out what fate befell Lord Thunderquark and his daughters. Not that I really care. It's a PR exercise really. Now who can I send into the enemy infested deathtrap of a forest?.... so many crack troops to choose from... experienced veterens and such. I really need someone with their wits about them to sneak behind enemy lines or the task could mean certain death.

I'll send that guard that sniggered yesterday. Yes... he's... appropriate. He's been on duty for at least a week... thats experience enough. I'm willing to chance his life anyway.

I went into the village this morning, dispensing all bits of food that had started going wrinkly in my larder among the thronging mudgrubbing masses. Really... the way they behave, biting one another and such you'd think they never saw fruit before in their life.

One good thing that happened was a chance meeting with a young gypsy girl, a fortune teller of sorts. Her name was Cassandra and I swear she really was made from all the nice bits. I may just have to invite her to the castle for dinner. Maybe get her to tell me my fortune or something. I did detect a slightly dark look from a bearded long hairy hippy of man who is also with the gypsies... probably plotting some nefarious scheme... gypsies are like that. Scoundrels.

I chanced a look in Glocks workshop... He's building a new carriage it appears... but it doesn't have wheels yet... its kind of odd looking. I mean... what kind of carriage needs an anchor?

We seem to be going though a bit of a plague or rats in the castle too. Probably something to do with the lack of Cats in the castle.

I think Von Snotgobblers force will arrive in the morrow to lay seige to my castle. The man is such an idiot. Oh well.. I best go and tell the privy cleaner to keep his buckets today rather than washing eveything away in the river. At least then we'll have something good to throw at him... and the pesants downstream will have some less icky water to brush their teeth in too. I'm such a caring guy.

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