Thursday, September 15, 2005

Mad Monkeys

A hairyman stepped out from behind a tree.... then another... and another... one was holding another potential cat hat it its hairly little hands...

Skook was making straining noises as he tried to pry the cat off his head... it had quite a good grip and was making suctiony noises like a fat mans bum in a bathtub as he wrestled with it.

As Conning the Viking slowly toppled over due to the overbalancing of his horny helmet I thought it best to exit stage left before one of the hairymen messed up my hair by doing unto me what they'd done unto Skook.

So run I did, into the jungle away from the evil hairymen and the ministry of silly hats. Behind me i could hear a lot of squawking and hollering rapidly fading into the distance until eventually all I could hear was the wind in the trees.

Safe at last I sat against a tree and let that warm wind blow over me... and i relaxed...

To the sound of the wind...the buzz on insects...the slithery sound of snakes...
the skittering of several large spiders... and if a spider's large enough to hear... I don't want to hear about it!... as deep growl of someithing with big teeth rumbled off in the distance... it became more and more difficult to relax.

I tried in vain to remember my name... Hawkshnitzle?, sparrowbun?,, owlhotdog? Albatrossnuts?...


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