Friday, October 21, 2005

Crazy people

I've set off on my trek up he fiery mountain (insert dramatic music here)... well actually its more of a smoking moutain... well... when I say smoking mountain.... it more a pointy mountain that might have once smoked... or even been fiery. Or both. I'm not a mountainologist.

The precious thinks I worry too much, told me to have some more magic precious drink... apparently my nervous twitch and darting eyes were fading. Can't have that.

The precious tells us that I must climb it... so climb it I will.

I was talking to a rock earlier... called itself Sanjeev. Said it'd just been laying around for ages. It was bored though. I would have talked more to the rock but then I heard high pitched whiney voices from the jungle... "Maaate...awwwww. cmon maaaaate...not nice maaaate!".

Obviusly a crazy person by the sound of it. I said farewell to Sanjeev the rock and moved on. Can't let the crazy people catch up with me.

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