Monday, October 24, 2005

Temple of the Very Bad Thing

Well here I am hiding in the bushes and spitting out bugs. I'm at the top of the slighly smokey montain looking down at small stone village. It's some kind of temple. The evil cat hat loving monkey men seem to inhabit it, though it looks like it was built by creatures larger... the doors to the buildings are about 15 feet high. Maybe the monkeys of old wore really really big hats.

More intersting is the large wooden construction that dominates one end of the village. Of course it's the dramatic end of the village that kinda hangs over a cliff overlooking a hot looking hold in the mountain. The device is very odd indeed. Tied to posts in front of it I can see two strange looking fellows. One has a horny helmet... the other has a dead cat on his head.

Drawing on my vast knowledge of engineering, ritual sacrifice, evil monkeys, torture devices, seige warfare ... of which I have none... I'd say the device could be called a "Very Bad Thing".

Especially if you're tied to a post in front of it and wearing a silly hat.

The precious tells me to wait and see where that curious fist shaped ram on the device ends up...

The precious knows best.

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