Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A bear in there...

12 Hours* of hardcore forced march later in sweltering heat through thick undergrowth and slashing thorn bushs :

"Vell vot now mein veely velly brave comrades?" Said Mad Cow
"Mun, ah aint goin in no cave. Ah swear - der's a bear in der!" Said Jeem Bo
"And just how do you figure Mr Bo" I asked the dreadlocked smokestack.
"Ahh just know. Aah can smell bear miles away. Had bad experiences wid bears, Dey are bastards. Mun"
"Well if there is a bear in there, it hasn't been in or out for a while - the entrance is pretty blocked with bush's and nice prickly bushes. I think its a bunny you can smell, not a bear." Said Cola
"Veely! Bunnies!, i'm so excited!" Said cowhead.
"Mmmm bunnies.... stew." Mumbled Cola
"I'm surpised he can smell anything after billowing smoke all day like a bad tempered volcano" Said Abe the Bookworm
"Aah is not bad tempered mun, ahh is coool mun. Relaxed. Chillin'. But I aint goin in no cave"
"Vel it is getting dark, Ze moon is being full tonight and ve could shelter in das cave if der is only bunnies!"
"Blue moon... you saw me standing a-"

Cola threw a silencing look at jumpsuit idiot.

"So... is there a bear in there?... or just bunnies?.. or should we just continue deeper into the forest?" I asked...

************VOTING TIME ************
Enter the cave?...y/n
If yes - who will check for bears?

* 12 hours : 2 hours walking, several hours panting, sleeping, bitching, moaning and combing hair.


Anonymous said...

Enter cave. Cola should check the cave seeing as she's the one who thinks it bunnies...

KJ said...

henter cave.
but the one who wants bunny stew can go first.

Beccles said...

I think they should put Falconburger to use and send him in the cave. They did give him that nickname afterall....

"They’ve even given me a nickname “NoobyPawnSacrifice” which is nice…"

Jimbo said...

Send Elfis! Maybe he could sooth the bears/bunnies with his dulcet tones...

Apart from that I'm with the drunk bastard, I wouldn't go in no damn cave either! I don't care if there are people with games OR stories to tell!