Tuesday, December 05, 2006

and a chair as well

"Well... I guess I'll have to go in and take a look then" Said Cola.

A long bladed dagger appeared seemingly by magic in her hand and she crept into the mouth of the cave.

"Vill she be ok on her own or vill I follow and protect her" Asked the cow
"Mun, der is no point 'er sneakin with you clankin and snortin along behind her" Said Pothead.
"Besides, what creature would want to eat her scrawny demonspawn hide?" said Bookworm.
"Don't be cruel..." said you know who...

A few minutes later Cola materialized again from the shadows of the cave.
"Well.. there is a bear in there... but its rather dead... in fact it looks like its been swallowed and then spat back out. Most ooky. All covered in slime and what not. Also... curiously there's a chair as well... also covered in slobber. But i couldn't see -"

Suddenly a disgusting creature leapt from the cave behind her. Almost transparent it was like a large centipede with a massive mouth fill of wickedly glass like teeth. It made not a sound as it seized her from behind, sucking her down its throat as it withdrew back into the cave. The last thing the party saw was the look of horror on her face as she vanished into its mouth.

******* VOTING TIME ******
Will the party attempt a rescue? or run away?... who will rescue cola?


Anonymous said...

Cola NO! Save her! Take some bug spray too!

Anonymous said...

Save Cola, most definitely. Not that you'd be able to see her in the dark if the worm spits her out anyway...

Beccles said...

All of them should go in and save her....QUICK!!!!

KJ said...

save her - it's not everyday you get to travel with a dragonspawn...

I think it should be a group effort to save her... there are some specialist skills within the troupe of erstwhile adventures... cow-man's tusks for starter...

Jimbo said...

save her mun... err... man!

i reckon they should all go... all except one, someone should be standing guard!