Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Man down, Cola burned, Falconburger stuck in a moment....

Pah!... *cough*.... clunk... tinkle...

Voices in the darkness... they sound like they are far away.

"Der he eez!, unter dat vubble der"
"Ah huh huh, c'mon man, lets dig him out"
"I sink he cast a magic shpell wit Apes book, ant judging by dat grin on hits face... even vith all day dirt in his teef ve should leaf dat book in his hant"
"I hear ya brother, help me lift this rock"
"Woof woof snarflyglaubsnoofsnoof"
"Butman stop with das humping! bad puppy!"
"Mein Got, he blew up half of das cave, he is lucky it didn't all cave in!"
"Ok... now were out where is the man mountain?... has he run runaway."
"I do now know but der has been a scuffle here look... footprints, hoof prints..."
"Ahuh huh, and look... something else... some sorta clawed prints"
"Arg... will you two farkwits stop with you're dicking around and get me patched up... C'mon ! I'm half dead here...*cough*... where the fark is our medic?... where is Abe?"
"Ape ist gone mein Cola, he died heroically savink you, and das new guy ist in a state from das magic. Jeem bo is missing and ve are all alone in das forest at night"
"Ah huh huh, don't worry baby, we'll look after you"
"Fark me. I'm doomed."
"Wuf wuf".

"Vell ve have a choice... der is a creek heading dat vay or the trail leading that vay, deeper into das forest. Ve know the stream heads tovards das loot filled ruins dat we seek but in das forest ve may find help for our fallen Cola, i sink ve might find an Inn or at least a cottage I hope"
"Ah huh huh.. or we could follow this other set of mangled footprints that might lead us to Jeem Bo..."
"If I could move I'd kill myself an save myself the trouble. God i feel like my entire body is sunburned to the core... and how am I gonna get these stain out of this leather goddamit"
"Hey look.. I found das robe wot Jeembo wears over here in das bushes... ver could he be?... and look.. der is fur stuck to it... is it moose fur or something else?"
"Hey hey Batman, you hound dog... where did you find that gerbil?...ah huh huh..."

Path deeper into the forest, looking for help for Cola ?... or follow the stream and see where it leads... or follow the footprints in the other direction looking for Jeem Bo?



Anonymous said...

Wouldn't Batman start following the trail of footprints?

Lord Falconburger said...

I dunno... but he doesn't get a vote. He's too busy humping legs.

Anonymous said...

Err, OK. Well, I'll vote for him then! Fly batman, fly!

KJ said...

follow the foot prints.... might be like the yellow brick road... but who is carrying cola?

Jimbo said...

don't worry about Jeem Bo he'll be fine... prolly off makin a new coat outta that moose...

...and anyway cola is lookin kinda flat... i say take the path in to forest!

*sings* if you go down to the woods today yer in for a big surprise...