Monday, February 05, 2007

Jeem Bo isn't happy.

Jeem Bo slowly wakes up.

Jeem Bo finds himself alone in the dark forest. How long he's been here, he doesn't know.

Jeem Bo has lost his weapons, his clothes, his pack and is in a somewhat awkward (and shivery cold) position in the depths of the forest.

Jeem Bo doesn't remember getting here. The last thing he remembers is a blur of antlers, hooves, angry gay moose snorting and then... nothing.

Jeem Bo can smell Bourbon yet there is none to be found much to his disgust.

Jeem Bo can see a light somewhere to the north in the distant forest.

Jeem Bo can see a fig tree.

Jeem Bo can see a trail of blood leading south and notices that he has a considerable amount on his person. The blood is dry and crusty. Ick. It doesn't seem to be leaking from his own private reserve though.

Jeem Bo has fur in his teeth, scratches on his back and teeth marks in his arse.

Jeem Bo isn't happy.

Whats does Jeem Bo do?

************* VOTE *******************
So?... what does Jeem Bo Do?


KJ said...

Fig leaves make good clothes... can't be wobbling around in the forest...

then head towards the light... walk towards the light...

Viking said...

I'm with KJ. Jeem Bo doesn't need to display his wobbly bits thanks.... 8-)

Jimbo said...

I was reading the instructions for the "Tickle Me Jeem Bo" I got for Christmas... and saw this in big red letters:

Jeem Bo with bourbon, equals fun, happy days and tickles all round!

Jeem Bo running low on bourbon, equals death and destruction!

Jeem Bo WITH OUT bourbon for more than 2 days, equals DEAD Jeem Bo!!!

none of those options sound real great... but just thought you should know...

Anonymous said...

"My friend, the light you see can only be Falconburgers effervescent glow.

The moose, it still lives, it hunts them. Move swiftly."

- The Voice.

KJ said...

seems Jeem Bo doesn't DO anything... or hasn't for quite some time....

Anonymous said...

Nice call kj, get up Jeem Bo, move towards the light! (perhaps the Gods are spending too much time with on-line gaming, and so time has stopped)

Viking said...

Cheeseburger has had his mind on other things...