Thursday, November 08, 2007


"Vell ve can't leaf heem here for das dvopbears!" Said Aahnult reaching out and yanking the dwarf out of the ground with one mighty yank.

I think it actually made him a little taller as he looked about 4 and a bit feet tall after that.

Conning made a foolish lunge at me screaming "I KEEL YOU!" as soon as his grubby feet hit the ground. I should have seen it coming really what with him being a dwarf and all. Violent grubby drunkards. Unfortunately for him Aahnult swept him up and held him under one arm like a toddler would hold a teddybear.

It was quite comical to watch the little feet wiggle about in frustration. To be honest, what with the pair of them having horns on their heads they kind of look like father and son.

"So... have you seen a big fella, smokes like a volcano, looks grumpy a lot and talks with a stupid accent about?" Asked Cola

"Bastard left me here to DIE... cos there is a pub over there!... I KEEL him!.. after I KEEL HIM!" he said struggling to reach me.

"Now das is no vay to be with your rescuers little man!" said Aahnult

"So.. how did you come to be stuck arse up in the forest surrounded by all this boat wreckage and bondage gear?" asked Cola

" rolled me boat. I might have fallen asleep at the wheel." said the dwarf sheepishly.

"Retard. Why the fark is it that EVERY SINGLE PERSON I MEET OUT HERE IS A FARKING RETARD!" She screamed at the sky in general.

Groaning she got up... "So where is this farkin pub then.. I need a drink like you wouldn't believe!"

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