Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Behold... the Pussywagon!

Well... last night Cassandra the gypsy attempted to read my future. She said much as I expected, the usual fame, glory, and veritable river of good looking women due to throw themselves at me. I mean... I could have told her that for nothing. There was a moment when I saw her expression flicker... I couldn't tell if it was fear or excitement... but it was gone as quickly as it arrived. No doubt she was having a vision of my future glory, or maybe she was reading my mind and could tell what that I was oggling her bossum. She then said she was going to do some hypnosis therapy of some sort that would energise my inner being. My inner being. I wondered if she meant the inner being downstairs that I wanted to be in her inner being? I was about to object when suddenly I found myself waking up... apparently I'd had too much wine. I'm not sure actually... its all abit fuzzy.

Now I find myself standing in Glocks workshop looking at a very strange contraption... it looks like an average ordinary everyday wagon. The type that would be drawn by two horses usually... except it doesn't have wheels. It has cats. Actually it has cats with buttered toast secured to their backs and they are connected the actual wagon via an ingenous g-clamp arrangement that has the cat constantly spinning on its axis so that neither its paws or the butter toast can touch the ground at the same time. You can probably imagine how you'd have to clamp a cat to make it do that. I won't go into details but I doubt it's comfortable. The cart hovers in the air like a hawk does over the field. It also has a large windmill attachment on the back that has one of the spinning cat toast devices at the centre.

Glock has names it after one of his relatives for some reason . He calls it the the Auntie Gruvarti Cart. So I'm writing this as I step aboard and prepare to release the lever that operates the windmill on the back of this contraption. I really doubt that its going to work... this Glock fellows a total nutter. But... as the brave and powerful lord it just wouldn't do for me to let some lackey be the first one to test it. Seeing as it can't possibly work... what risk is there to me... at least this way i'll be seen as brave and innovative by my subjects.

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