Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Glocks Speil

This Glock fellow is a strange unit. He came to me today while I was admiring myself in a mirror. He was carrying a cat, some toast and some butter and asked for me to witness a great discovery. Well actually he said "Aye Lud!, wheel yer follar meh oop onta the top of the wahl so's ah can shoe ye me wee experiment!"
So I found myself standing atop the wall, looking down on the peasants scabbling in the mud while Glock tried to hold the cat while he buttered the piece of toast. He then hurled them both off the wall. Then began this long winded *speil : "Uz ye cun see m'lord, the cut lunded on iz wee footsies und the toast landed on its bootery sahd, it huppens thut wey every tahm aah try it".

As the peasants fought over the cat and the toast in a flurry of buttery fingers and fur i pondered the wisdom of letting this lunatic live in the castle. Glock then wandered off muttering to him self about "cuts and booter and flying boogies'... So I went back to lording about as only a lord can.

Pricilla and Jose are still missing in action, Thunderquark has left in my fancy carriage for his little kingdom by the sea. I hope his driver took the shortcut I mentioned. I'm sure he will... Cedrick the woodsman assured me that a tree had accidently been felled upon the main road leaving only that option.

Rumour has it that some Gypsies have set up camp on the other side of the village too.

*Speil.... not sure if thats a word... but i'm the lord of the realm so I can make words up if I want. You know what I mean.

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