Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Welcome to the Jungle

I wandered over that hill... and found a beach. It stretched for miles in both directions. Putting the gleaming water behind me I turned around to survey my island. My island. Why did I call it that?... strangely I feel that I should own it. Like I'm used to owning everything I can see. Odd that. Anyway... I can see that the land rises up towards a fairly high peak in the distance so I decided that higher ground was the order of the day.

Into the dark and mysterious jungle I went, and after about 3 hours of trekking thought tangled vines and sticky plants that seemed to actually TRY to grab me my second-to-none direction sense led me to a clearing. In the clearing was a smashed up cart, and a lot of fur. There was also a man in a silly hat and something next to him that I thought might be a person but I'm not quite sure.

The blonde fellow had a hat on that sprouted two mighty horns that were almost as tall as he was and he introduced himself as Conning the Viking and his trusty sidekick the peon Skook Squalder.

I said "Hi My name is..."

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