Friday, December 15, 2006

Elfis goes deep throat

Into the cave and into darkness and chaos.

"Ahh Vill safe yoo mein freint!" Bellowed the Minotaur in the darkness

For a brief moment the cavern is illuminated as Aaahnult's greataxe scrapes across the stone and I see the beastly crawly thing lunge at him.

More darkness... more scrabbling... I trip over something that yaps at me. Batman the bulldog.

Words creep into the darkness, in a language that makes ones skin crawl... magic.

Suddenly the cavern is lit up as Abe begins to glow. He's crouched in a corner with his book o magic in one hand and his magic staff in the other.

The crawler stops attacking Aaahnult and immediately turns in the direction of the light.

"Ahh fark" mutters Abe quickly preparing to cast another spell.

I think the crawler is drawn to the light - or the magic?

Aaahnult drops his axe, there's no room to swing it in here and leaps on the crawler, bear hugging it's midsection. Its skin oozes slippery goo and he has a hard time getting a grip. I can see cola twitching halfway down is throat because its skin is transparent. Her skin is starting to dissolve. I bravely throw up on Batman.

To my shock and dismay, Elfis runs past me, leaps up and wedges one foot on the crawlers bottom jaw and wrenches it open, shoving his grubby guitar in its maw to wedge it open... the creature bucked and writhed about, trying to shake off Aaahnult and Elfis and get to Abe who was starting to back away rather quickly.... but its hard to hide when you are the light!

Batman waddles as fast as his rotund slobbering frame and muster and latches onto the beasts tail.

"There's a whole lotta shakin goin' on" sings Elfis with a mad gleam in his eye as he reaches down the beasts deep throat with his one spare hand and grabs Cola's hand.

The strings twang and snap on the dodgy guitar as it begins to bow under the pressure of the beasts jaws...

This can't be happening... Elfis can't be the Hero!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Fools rush in...

"Oh mein got!, ve haf to save her from das ooky crawly wormy think!" Said Aahnult rushing into the mouth of the cave, his horns striking sparks as they scrape across the narrow stone entrance of the cave.
"Snort warf warf " came the muffled warcry of Batman the bulldog as he followed.
"Yes!, in and save her men" said Abe... standing as far away from the mouth of the cave as possible."
Jeem Bo sauntered up behind Abe the bookworm and shoved him into the cave entrance.
"Go on bookworm mun, dey need your magic smarts in der. I'll be out 'ere guardin yer rear. Can't have anuvva wun of dem critters sneakin up yer behind. Mun. I mean sneakin up behind you. Besides... der might be magic treasure"
Abe cast Jeem Bo a filthy look.
"Treasure?... where?" My mind had finished editing out the horror of Cola's attacker.... and replacing it with shiny objects. I rushed into the cave pushing Abe in front of me...
"Fools rush in, where angels fear to tread" mutter Elfis and followed us playing a rousing ditty on his banjo. Dunt da da daaaa!

Jeem Bo scanned the darkening forest around him... were the shadows moving? Off in the distance he heard a wolf howl, and somewhere a moose-noised. A twig cracked loudly in the forest... Jeem Bo turned, warhammer in one hand, bottle in the other... and stood there with smoke drifting from his head like a not quite dormant volcano. Did that shadow - the large angry moose shaped one just move?... or was it his imagination?

********* VOTE *************

So... did it?...

If it did something terribly unfortunate might happen to Jeem Bo... and if that happened who would guard our heroic rescue parties rear and prevent something equally unfortunate from happening to their rears??

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

and a chair as well

"Well... I guess I'll have to go in and take a look then" Said Cola.

A long bladed dagger appeared seemingly by magic in her hand and she crept into the mouth of the cave.

"Vill she be ok on her own or vill I follow and protect her" Asked the cow
"Mun, der is no point 'er sneakin with you clankin and snortin along behind her" Said Pothead.
"Besides, what creature would want to eat her scrawny demonspawn hide?" said Bookworm.
"Don't be cruel..." said you know who...

A few minutes later Cola materialized again from the shadows of the cave.
"Well.. there is a bear in there... but its rather dead... in fact it looks like its been swallowed and then spat back out. Most ooky. All covered in slime and what not. Also... curiously there's a chair as well... also covered in slobber. But i couldn't see -"

Suddenly a disgusting creature leapt from the cave behind her. Almost transparent it was like a large centipede with a massive mouth fill of wickedly glass like teeth. It made not a sound as it seized her from behind, sucking her down its throat as it withdrew back into the cave. The last thing the party saw was the look of horror on her face as she vanished into its mouth.

******* VOTING TIME ******
Will the party attempt a rescue? or run away?... who will rescue cola?