Monday, December 11, 2006

Fools rush in...

"Oh mein got!, ve haf to save her from das ooky crawly wormy think!" Said Aahnult rushing into the mouth of the cave, his horns striking sparks as they scrape across the narrow stone entrance of the cave.
"Snort warf warf " came the muffled warcry of Batman the bulldog as he followed.
"Yes!, in and save her men" said Abe... standing as far away from the mouth of the cave as possible."
Jeem Bo sauntered up behind Abe the bookworm and shoved him into the cave entrance.
"Go on bookworm mun, dey need your magic smarts in der. I'll be out 'ere guardin yer rear. Can't have anuvva wun of dem critters sneakin up yer behind. Mun. I mean sneakin up behind you. Besides... der might be magic treasure"
Abe cast Jeem Bo a filthy look.
"Treasure?... where?" My mind had finished editing out the horror of Cola's attacker.... and replacing it with shiny objects. I rushed into the cave pushing Abe in front of me...
"Fools rush in, where angels fear to tread" mutter Elfis and followed us playing a rousing ditty on his banjo. Dunt da da daaaa!

Jeem Bo scanned the darkening forest around him... were the shadows moving? Off in the distance he heard a wolf howl, and somewhere a moose-noised. A twig cracked loudly in the forest... Jeem Bo turned, warhammer in one hand, bottle in the other... and stood there with smoke drifting from his head like a not quite dormant volcano. Did that shadow - the large angry moose shaped one just move?... or was it his imagination?

********* VOTE *************

So... did it?...

If it did something terribly unfortunate might happen to Jeem Bo... and if that happened who would guard our heroic rescue parties rear and prevent something equally unfortunate from happening to their rears??


Anonymous said...

OMG. Noooo. Poor Jeem Bo. Would be sooo unfortunate for something to come at him when he was trying to take the easy way out.... Oh, OK then, not it wouldn't. He should be attacked.... 8-)

Jimbo said...

If you knew Jeem Bo, like I know Jeem Bo, you would know that:

Jeem Bo and that moose would get it on (but not in gay way)!!!

He would karatecise that moose's ass and eat him for breakfast. (Once again, not in a gay way)!!!

If Jeem Bo were here right now he'd say, "Yer arses are safe with me mun."

KJ said...

I think Jeem Bo would be taken by a wave of bourbon induced bravery and try to rip those pesky antlers off any moose in the vicinity (after all the are worth quite a bit on the black market!)

Anonymous said...

If a twigs cracks in a forest, and only Jeem Bo is there to hear it, does he tuck tail and run? Not with out his bourbon.

Lord Falconburger said...

Who IS this anonymous person! ;-)

Lord Falconburger said...

Hmm... I guess thats like asking a masked man his never mind... welcome to the blog!

Jimbo said...

BlogThings has everything:

Beccles said...

I voooote.......NO!! Jeembo should just be left alone, safe and sound! (Even if Jeembo was attacked, he could kick a moose's ass anyday!! )