Monday, June 02, 2008

Smells like arse

" this is how I see it" I said as I tried to fix my immaculate hair using a serving tray as a mirror.
"We came into this forest to hunt the Beast of Bourbon. We got sidetracked, lost Abe to a ...a.... thingymonster...then dreadlocks..err...Jeem-Bo over here got sidetracked running through the forest with some sort of gender confused moose and a third party who was unidentified right?" I said.
"Yeah mun... I remember seeing the dreaded Gaymoose of Watamakan coming right for me and then nothing mun... I wakes up all bloodied and " Replied our resident priest type monk fellow.
"What?...eet didn't try to attack you from behind?...dat sounds like eets usual m.o."
"You wanna see how far the musical twats guitar fits up YOUR arse mun?" growled Jeem-Bo
"OK... Beast of Bourbon, Gaymoose. Mysterious third party. Check." I mused
"An zen der were das dvopbears in zee forest ant our dwarf gimp man here" piped Aaanhult
"Well we never ACTUALLY saw a dropbear now did we you bovine knucklehead... YOU WERE TOO BUSY DROPPING ME OUT OF FARKING TREES!" said Cola
"Eet vaas ein accident! don't usually climb trees" Complained Aahnult
"Batman managed ok...ah-huh-huh"
"Aah aint no gimp..aaam a dwarf!...who just happened to FIND a crate of" muttered the gimp.
"ANYWAY...." I said " There's the Beast of Bourbon, The Gaymoose, The mysterious third party, alleged dropbears, our dwarf Conning the Viking...who apparently 'rolled his boat' and crash into this forest..."
"Oooh oooh ooh... and the thing that smells like arse!" said Elfis
We all looked at him.
"Aww...c'mon man... you've all noticed it... that kid went missing back at the village.. people talkin about weird sounds like wind blowing over a bottle... and that SMELL that we keeps on gettin a whiff of... we're being stalked by a fell beast that smells like arse. ah-huh-huh... anybody got a burger?..I haven't eaten in five minutes...."
"Anna..anna...*burp*... the Lepper..leppercorn... lepp...short angry green bitch that stole the beer" gurgled Mr Swell from his slumped position under a table.
"OK...finally... Beast of Burbon, Gaymoose, Mysterious Third Party, Dropbears, a Thing that smells like Arse and an angry green beer stealing bitch -"
"Who lives in a boot" said Mr Swell
"A boot..she...she.. lives in a boot. *burp*" replied Mucks
"A boot. A farking boot. You MUST be joking" Said Cola.
"OK.. so my point is... we're surrounded by enemies... even Conning the gimpdwarf wants to kill me... but I'm not to worried about him being short with me..." I waited... nothing. Imbeciles.
"Where should we concentrate our efforts?...just getting out of here alive willbe a miracle" I said to the bunch of miscreants.

Beast of Burbon hunting
Gaymoose hunting
Mysterious Third Party
Dropbears hunting
Thing that smells like Arse
Angry green beer stealing bitch who lives in a boot


Viking said...

Thing that smells like Arse is my vote. Always nice to get the story moving onto someone else... LOL

Aaron said...

Clearly, the beer stealing bitch who lives in a shoe. I mean, come on.

Lord Falconburger said...

Viking... you assume the Thing that smells like Arse is not already connected to mean Conning... ;-)

Viking said...

Err, my mistake.... Bow, scrape, etc... He He

Lord Falconburger said...

I can something that smells like arse NOT have something to do with a leatherclad gimp dwarf...i mean...really!

Viking said...

I just should have shut up. I really should have. Oh wait...

KJ said...

anyone who lives in a shoe has got to be in trouble... maybe she needed all the beer to sedate the drop bears? i vote they go hunt down the green beer stealer