Friday, June 27, 2008


"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon let go getsombeeeer" muttered Muck Swell as he crawled out of the Pub..
"Ve must be on zee lookout for zee think that smells like arss tho too... eef eet ees talking us I don't want an arse sneaking up on me in ze dark!" Said Aaahnult
"I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time" Said Conning
"You're the one behind him retard" said Cola as we all filed out of the pub.
Muck Swell informed us the green bitch who lived in a boot was somehwere in the Uberswamp to the east so off we slogged in the knee deep goop.
Some time later we arrived at what could be best describes a knob of land... poking up out of the swamp. It was the first dry-ish place we'd encountered all day and as it was starting to get dark it seemed the logical place to camp.
Muckswell produces some kindling from his loincloth.. or at least i assume it was kindling... it DID burn with a funny smell but that was a swamp and EVERYTHING smelled really. We settled down for the night.
"Woof" said Batman
"Whats that hound dog?... do you smell something" asked Elfis, who was on watch with Jeem-Bo.
"Woof" said Batman
"Say what?... where is it?" Asked elfis
"Woof" said Batman
"I can't see it?.. are you sure?" said Elfis peering into the murky darkness
"Woof! Woofdammit!" huffed Batman
"What ees it mun?" Asked Jeem-Bo...
"Mah man the hound dog says there's something over there lurkin" said Elfis
"Woof." Said Batman...

Who investigates?


Viking said...


Lord Falconburger said...

Nah - Batman's not stoopid...

Lord Falconburger said...

Jeembo, Elfis? who is brave enuff?

Viking said...

The problem is, of course, that everyone in the story is particularly interested in self preservation....

Lord Falconburger said...

You're assuming the one brvae enough to go and investigate is the one who might get eaten...

Lord Falconburger said...

in truth i can't remember where i was going with ththis so i'll probably flip a coin.

Heads or tails?